March on Washington controversy



On January 19, a Women’s March in Washington D.C. took place. The march gathered thousands of people, all working together for the same goal: to show resistance toward the presidency of Donald Trump.

In past years, specifically the 2017 March on Washington D.C., marches have been extremely successful. The march in 2017 had more that three times more marchers than people that came to support the Trump Inauguration that took place in 2017.

Senior Victoria Abbott went to the Washington D.C. march on January 19, and marched alongside people of all demographics.

“There were a lot of people my age, but there were also a lot of older people, and it was great to see people with so much devotion,” she said.

Thousands of people, of all race, age, and culture, rallied together to speak their minds. According to Victoria, “It wasn’t just millennials, there were [people of] all ages that marched.”

Marchers carried hundreds of signs that depicted different sayings, slogans, and pictures.

“There were people carrying signs that were in the shape of hearts, with different sayings on them, and I thought that was really cool,” Victoria said.

The Official Women’s website at reports that, “The 2019 Women’s March marks two years of resistance to the Trump presidency, two years of training new activists, and two years  building power.” Because of the 2017 march, millions of people were inspired to go out and vote, or to register to vote, and the women’s march group hopes to spark the same effect again, and this time, with even bigger results.

Unfortunately, there was and still continues to be some controversy surrounding this particular march due to claims of anti-Semitism amongst the crowds. Anti-Semitism is a show of hatred of some sort, whether it be discrimination, prejudice, or hostility towards Jews and the culture. Allegedly, the two main leaders of the women’s march, Linda Sarsour, and Tamika Mallory, had previously practiced membership in an Israeli hate group.

All four of the leaders were asked to step down from the title, but all refused. Linda Sarsour spoke up to CBS about how difficult it was “to create a big tent,” that included everyone.

Even so, large organizations ended up distancing themselves from the march, to avoid being caught up in the claims. Nearly 300 organizations that had affiliated with the 2017 women’s march disengaged themselves from this one, which caused a lack of funding for the march.

Even without the typical funding, the march still continued on, gaining popularity, and plans still being put in place with the new adjustments.

In most of the marchers’ eyes, however, the march turned out successful, gathering thousands of people united for a similar cause.

“Overall, it was just a great march, and there were a lot of great people, and I really enjoyed it,” Victoria said.