An exciting trip to China



The 2019 China trip is approaching, and it’s a huge opportunity for those for those who wish to go or those who wish to travel abroad. Visiting a new country and the places within it can be really exciting. And within those places, you have the chance to try many new things and experience a lot of things you have not experienced before. It’s an awesome way to get introduced to the Chinese culture and have great opportunities while you’re there!

The trip starts in October, which is enough time to sign up. Every trip so far this year has been a success and because of that, it gives more chances for students to go on these trips. They will be visiting the same places as they did last year, including a place in China called Xian. Students were also allowed to visit the Chinese schools and see what their culture was like on an everyday basis.

“The student cost for the October 2019 trip to China is $4,000 and six students are enrolled at this point,” biology teacher Mr. Dan Sharp said. “On the 2017 trip we visited Shijiazhuang, Beijing, and Shanghai.  This year we will visit the same places, but will also be going to Xian, home of the terracotta warrior.”

Mr. Sharp loved the last trip and is enthusiastic about this upcoming one. He is also willing to try many new things and visit the same places as last trip.

“I am looking forward to many things – experiencing the different culture, spending time in the Chinese schools, trying new foods, and seeing the transformation of our students from the beginning of the trip to the end as they became more comfortable living in a different culture,” Mr. Sharp said.

Everyone has a best-loved thing about their previous trips, usually more than one. Mr. Sharp’s was learning about the Chinese culture while they were there, and loved observing the students’ interactions with the other students at one of their schools.

“A favorite thing about the last trip was the home-stay portion of the trip where our students lived and went to school with a student from our “sister” school in Shijiazhuang, China for four days. It was a great opportunity for our students to be immersed in the Chinese culture. I especially liked watching the students (Chinese and American) interacting with each other,” Mr. Sharp said.

With last year’s trip going successful, this year’s China Trip might even be more memorable this year, and just as amazing. If you want to sign up, you still can–it’s not too late. If you’re interested, contact Mr. Sharp for more information.