Lights, dancing, THON



Loud music, bright lights, good food, and a great cause brought Bellefonte Area High School students together to party the night away, all whilst helping a good cause: THON.

Bellefonte Area High School’s Student Council came together on March 22, 2019, to put on a mini THON to raise money for the Four Diamonds Fund. THON is an organization that raises money for scientific research to cure cancer, and for the families that have to pay the bills for the children in treatment. THON’s goal is to dance in celebration because of a cure, and until then, to dance to earn money to find it.

Together,  Student Council raised $5,445, setting a record for their past two Mini THONS.

We were able to do this from receiving donations from local businesses, to donations from students and staff, as well as canning for money at athletic events and stores in town. There were many different components in raising this outstanding amount of money for such a great cause,” Senior Class President Max Kroell said.

Students Council hopes that the club will continue to increase the amount raised every year. A great way to raise money for the cause is by having as many people possible attending the event.

We hope that each year we can raise more money and increase the amount of people attending,” senior Maddie Polkinghorn said.

Senior David Barone is confident that Mini THON will continue to grow with each year.

“I think the turnout was really good, it was definitely a lot better than last year. I am pretty confident that we can keep it up in years to come,” he said.

Attending students participated in a variety of activities, including a cornhole competition, giant jumping inflatables, and of course, a DJ and a dancefloor. Amidst the fun, however, there is always a group of students working hard to make it happen.

It takes a lot of behind-the-scenes work to pull this together and Student Council and our advisors really made it a fun event that everyone could enjoy,” said junior Selah Brown.

Throughout the night, freshman Davis Folnsbee had the time of his life, hanging out with friends, singing his heart out, and racing people through the inflatable obstacle course.

“Thank you to Student Council for putting this together. It was really fun,” freshman Davis Folnsbee said.

After “Rave hour,” which included glow sticks, the students involved in planning the event announced how much money was raised. The signs were raised, and everyone cheered as loud as they could.

And $5,445 later, Student Council cleaned up and everyone went home, satisfied from a great night that supported an even greater cause.