Winter swimming update
February 11, 2020
Usually when you think of winter, you think cold weather, staying inside, and bundling up with blankets. However, that’s not the case for the BHS swim team, as their season has been in full swing since the start of winter.
The coaching staff consists of Head Coach Matthew Horner, Assistant Coach Anthony Edmonson, and volunteer coaches Steve Morris and Zach Malinich. These coaches have led both the boys and the girls teams to a 5-7 record.
Sometimes the team may be overlooked, since we don’t have a “home pool” for the team.
“I think our home meets should be advertised better so that the school community is aware and come support us,” freshman Emmalin Pringle said.
She also says her favorite parts of the team would be the bus rides, meets, and lifting.
“I know this is a pipe-dream but the singular thing that needs to happen at this school to take this program to the next level is the construction of a pool,” Assistant Coach, Anthony Edmonson said. “As a team, we win a lot of events at meets but lose meets because of lack of participants. It’s hard to build a program when our kids have an additional 90 minutes added to their day because of the need to travel to a pool to practice.”
The swim team works extremely hard to improve themselves even outside of practice. The team practices 12 hours a week and does lifting for 2.5 hours, all to prepare for the 14 meets a season they have – not including states and districts.
Freshman Finley Musser says her favorite parts of the team are the bus rides and meets, and she hopes to see more members join next season.
Coach Edmonson encourages interested students to join next year.
“It’s a low impact, high intensity workout. Swimming offers the same high intensity workouts as the other varsity sports, but considerably less impact on your joints. But don’t get me wrong, our kids are swimming around four miles a day at practice.”