Having fun on quarantine-o-ween

Staff Report

We have spent eight months stuck in our houses and having to wear masks anywhere we go since COVID-19 started, and even though we hoped that it would be over by now, we still have to be careful and listen to the social guidelines that have been given to us. Here are some tips on how to celebrate Halloween safely while having fun, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention


If hosting a party:

If you are planning to host a party, you want to make sure that you and your guests are not exposing others to COVID-19. Looking at the current levels of COVID in your community can determine when, or even if you should have a party. If the levels in your area are high, you should consider postponing, canceling, or limiting the amount of people attending. If the guests are going to be traveling to your home, ask them to check the levels of COVID-19 where they live. If levels are high there, ask them to consider not attending, or get tested before coming. You should also consider where the party is being held and if that area has higher levels of COVID-19. If it does, you should tell your guests, that way they can consider not coming so that they do not risk getting sick or spreading it to others around them. 

Having a party for long periods of time has more of a risk than if you were to have it for a short period of time. The longer that people are clustered together the more likely the virus is to be spread through touching, coughing, sneezing, and  more. The location of the gathering can also affect the risk of COVID-19. Indoor gatherings with poor ventilation can cause more of a risk than indoor gathering with good ventilation, such as open windows and doors. Having the gathering outside could also help with ventilation, since you have more room and are less likely to be crowded together.

The number of people at a gathering can also affect the risk of COVID-19. Gatherings with more people can have more of a risk than gatherings with only a few people. The amount of people at gatherings should be determined by rates of COVID-19 in the area, if you are able to reduce contact between those attending, and the local safety laws, rules, and regulations. If those attending the party are not adhering to the guidelines, not wearing masks, social distancing, or washing their hands, they are posing more of a risk then those who are adhering to the guidelines.


People with or exposed to COVID-19:

DO NOT host a party if you, anyone in your household, or anyone who would be attending the party has been exposed to the virus, was positive for the virus and has not been determined negative and has not been cleared by doctor to stop quarantining, or has symptoms of COVID-19 and/or are waiting for test results. If you are at an increased risk for severe illness, avoid in-person gatherings with those who do not live in your household, and try to avoid large gatherings. If you do go to a gathering, consider attending ones that pose a lower risk and follow social distancing guidelines.


Lower Risk Activities to do for Halloween:

To ensure having fun but also not raising the risk of spreading COVID-19, there are multiple things you could do. You could carve and/or decorate pumpkins with members of your household, or if you are going to do it with friends or neighbors, be sure to be at a safe distance. You could decorate your house, apartment, or living space. You could have a virtual Halloween costume contest, have a Halloween movie night with people you live with, and even have a Halloween-themed scavenger hunt with those who live in your house.

The one thing that people look forward to the most during Halloween is trick-or-treating, but going up to people’s doors and talking to them face to face can be risky. To keep a safe distance from others and ensure having a good time, you could put out individually wrapped goodie bags for families to grab. Make sure it is a safe distance from where you would be, like at the end of your driveway or the edge of your yard. When preparing goodie bags, it is important to wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before and after preparing the bags.