Staff Holiday Throwbacks
December 22, 2020
Everyone has a special holiday tradition or memories from the holiday season that they will always hold near and dear to their hearts. Here are some special memories from teachers and staff at Bellefonte High.

I had been asleep, and I remember my parents coming in and telling me that someone was there to see me. When I came downstairs, Santa was there, visiting, in my house! It was such an incredible thing, and one of my favorite, magical Christmas memories. My parents never told me who was in the Santa costume (and still won’t, to this day)… So for all I know, this was Mr. Claus himself – which is part of the magic of Christmas.” – Band Director Mr. Caleb Rebarchak

“I still wear this bowtie on Christmas Eve today.” -Math teacher Mr. Jonathan Virgilio

“Being with family at the holidays has always been the most important part of the season.” – English teacher Ms. Jennifer Richardson

“This was a Christmas that we had so much snow that we didn’t go to family’s houses. We got to stay in our PJs all day and we thought it was the best thing in the world! I also have a very strong, happy memory of those earmuffs – they were pigs!” -Government teacher Mrs. Allyson Durney

“When I was a little girl, I absolutely adored nativities, especially my Gram’s (and she had at least 4 of them!). I inherited two of hers, including the one she bought the first year she and my grandpa were married in 1947. This is the Nativity at Our Lady of Victory in State College-where my Gram took a picture of me after every Christmas Mass when I was growing up. I thought it was AMAZING that the figures were nearly as tall as me!” – French teacher Mrs. Brittany MaCamley

“This is me when I was 4 sitting on Santa’s Lap probably wishing for a bike or soccer shoes or something at that point.” – Computer teacher Mr. Andrew Weigold

“My mom always made my sister and I get Christmas pictures then she would make Christmas cards to send out. This is my Christmas photo from when I was three.” – Support Aid Miss Hannah Tibbott

“This picture was taken at my Grandmother’s house. Our tradition was to open our presents at home when we all woke up, then we would go to my mom’s parents’ for lunch and presents. We would then go to my dad’s mother-in-law’s for between lunch and supper (which is where this picture was taken). Then we would go to my great aunt’s house for supper. We did this every year from when I was born until I was in college.” – Math teacher Mr. Ryan Pastva