On the right track
Javelin, shot put, and discus thrower, junior Willy Brininger.
June 2, 2021
After having no spring season in 2020, the Bellefonte Track and Field team was eager to get back out to the track. This would be their first time using the new Jeremy Herbtret and Jonas Panik track, a long-awaited addition to Bellefonte High.
For senior Juliet Pope, this was her favorite memory from the season. It was a special season since they were the first group to utilize the new track and field for a whole season.
Javelin, shot put, and discus thrower junior Willy Brininger said the new stadium that has its own location for the field events makes this season even better.
“It feels like we’re complete because now we actually have a dedicated spot to compete in our events at our school,” Willy said.
As a team, many members set goals for themselves to achieve, such as setting new personal records. For the 4×100 meter relay team, they were able to beat their 2019 time. Sophomore Lauren Benner reached her own new personal record.
“My goal was to beat my personal record on any event, every meet, and I was able to do it,” Lauren said.
The track and field time is always open to new members no matter their experience level. Lauren has a passion for running and thought this would be a great opportunity.
“I decided to join because I realized how much I enjoyed running and I wanted to give it a try,” Lauren said.
The upperclassmen on the team are able to provide guidance throughout the season. Senior Meredith Frey took her experience from the past years and enlightened and taught the underclassmen.
“I was a captain and was able to give words of wisdom to underclassmen on how to perform better and have better mentalities while competing and practicing,” Meredith said.
When you think of other sports, the typical captain for the team is usually a senior. Although, for track and field, it does not matter what grade you are in to be a captain. Head Coach Seth Miller and the rest of the coaching staff select two members of the team each week to be the “Raider Captains.” These athletes are selected from their performance at the previous meet as well as observations during practices.
“The Raider Captains of the Week have become a coveted award to get and it is available for anyone on the team…no matter whether they score points or not,” Coach Miller said.
This season was certainly not like the others. AP Biology teacher and Jumping Coach Mr. Chris Freidhoff was happy that the season was able to happen and the athletes handled all of the changes. He is the coach for horizontal jumps including long and triple jump.
“We’ve had to adjust some of our routines in practice and at meets. But the athletes have been really great with all of the changes,” Mr. Freidhoff said.
He believes coaching is a great way to see his students outside of the classroom while doing what they love.
“I enjoy seeing the students in a different setting other than in class. It’s a lot of fun,” he said.
Along with regular season meets, the team participated in the Mountain League Championship in Clearfield and District XI Championship held at Mansion Park, in Altoona.