Bellefonte seniors roar back to the 20’s

LaBelle Staff

Seniors danced the night away at the Harmony Forge Inn for Senior Ball this year.

Hope Martin, Editor in Chief

Becoming a senior is the start of a fun year filled with many special activities such as senior breakfast, senior trip, senior skip day, all night party, and other activities specialized for them. The Senior Ball, one of these events, is a night meant to be packed with fun and a nice way to say goodbye to high school. Roughly 205 students attended this event with the theme of roaring 20s. 

A lot of planning goes into the Senior Ball, with a  variety of decisions that need to be made.. Senior Class Advisor, Mrs. Victoria Smith put in a lot of effort.

Senior Ball planning started before the end of last school year. It truly is like planning a wedding in that everything must be decided on and planned from the venue and catering to the centerpieces and decorations,” Mrs. Smith said. 

One of the big and arguably the most important parts of this planning is finding a good venue. 

“We chose Harmony Forge because it was big enough to accommodate the entire class. It was also chosen because it is such a beautiful venue that had a great outdoor space. Our Class Cabinet really wanted to incorporate a bonfire and s’more station outside and Harmony Forge allowed us to do this,” Mrs. Smith said.

All of this hard work and dedication paid off not only for the advisors, but also the Class Cabinet members. Senior class president Davis Corman in particular found his work rewarding.

“The best part about Senior Ball was the dance floor. After all the work we put in, being able to dance and have fun all night was an amazing experience,” Davis said.

Senior Elizabeth (Lizzy) Lovrak particularly enjoyed watching two teachers at the Senior Ball.

“I loved the Trumbulls. They are easily the cutest couple in Bellefonte,” Lizzy said.

Some students really enjoyed the venue and had thoughts on it.

“The Senior Ball was super fun. The venue had a nice ambiance and had a really calming vibe. They had really pretty lights hanging from the ceiling and it was beautiful,”  senior Olivia Smith said.

There were many different songs that played at the Senior Ball but there was one in particular that stuck out to Davis.

“The best song of the night was ‘Hotel Motel’ by Pittbull. It’s a song everybody can go crazy to and gets the crowd going,” Davis said.

One of the parts of the Senior Ball many people enjoyed was the obvious: the food. Caterers  prepared  a buffet-style lineup of  chicken and gravy, potatoes, noodles, salad, bread, and raisin, sugar, and chocolate chip cookies.  

My favorite dish was easily the dessert cookies. They were amazing and I especially liked the sugar cookies,” Davis said. 

At the end of the night, it was sad to say goodbye.

“It was overall an absolute blast and just such an enjoyable experience for all involved. I wish it would have gone longer,” senior Gary Angle said.