Seniors Say Farewell to softball season

Senior softball players and their team manager, Alexis Kopcha, during Senior Night this year.

Hannah Deitrich, Staff Reporter

The time has come for five seniors to say goodbye to their beloved sport. Bellefonte’s Lady Raiders softball team held their senior night on May 8 and honored this year’s five seniors: Ryleigh Dann, Madison Melius, Kierra Narehood, Josselyn Nau, and Haylie Rimmey. The girls were awarded with flowers and commemorative bags. 

The team has had a remarkable year, and even has the hopes of entering the championships. Ryleigh Dann reflected on her Bellefonte softball career and her favorite moments throughout.

“The highlight of my softball career was the whole thing, but I would have to say meeting my best friends while playing the sport I love,” she said. 

Of the five seniors, three have signed with colleges in order to continue playing at a collegiate level. These three seniors are Madison Melius, Haylie Rimmey, and Josselyn Nau. 

Madison, who signed with Lock Haven University, spoke about what she was the most excited about in the coming years.

“I am looking forward to getting to play at a higher level with a fast paced game. I am also looking forward to meeting new people,” she said.

Haylie, who signed with Clarion says that she looks forward to continuing her athletic career, while Josselyn, who signed with Penn State Altoona, says that she looks forward to being able to pitch at a higher level. 

Although Ryleigh didn’t sign with a college to continue playing softball, she does still have softball plans for the future.

“I am going to play travel ball this summer and then after that I just plan on watching it as much as possible and hopefully coaching younger children in the future,” she said. 

The five seniors have truly had an interesting four  years playing at the high school. With their freshman season being cut off because of the COVID-19 pandemic, and then not knowing at first if their sophomore year would be a playing year, they were ready for a normal year. Luckily, they got that wish for the last two years.

The seniors gave out words of encouragement and advice to the underclassman on the team. However, Madison gave a statement that truly applies to everyone, on or off the field.

Always stay positive and believe in yourself. Work towards your goals and never second guess yourself,” she said.