Urbn Flavor House is a nation-wide restaurant that specializes in handcrafted sandwiches and a variety of different milkshakes. The Urban in Bellefonte has been a popular spot for lunch and dinner ever since it opened in 2020. It has been greatly enjoyed by the community ever since. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. After three years of business, the restaurant is permanently closing its doors.
The lease that Urbn rented out for the past few years has had a history of different restaurants as well before this restaurant. Some of the different restaurants that were on this lease prior to Urbn were Sammis, a sandwich shop that was known for their salads and range of different subs and sandwiches. Before Sammis, there was the Italian restaurant, Bonfattos. This restaurant was known for their pizza and pastas. Although some good restaurants have been on this lease throughout the past ten years, none of these businesses can seem to stay for more than a couple of years, and most of the time have to end up moving locations or permanently shutting down.
Many students in the community enjoyed this restaurant and are sad to see it go. Junior Parker Capparelle was one of these students.
“I am sad to see yet another restaurant in town close but this seems to be the trend lately. This was one of my favorite places to go with my family for a nice sit down dinner and they always sponsored our sports teams but since they have closed their doors for good we will no longer get those benefits of a good sponsor and great food,” Parker said.
A majority of Urbn’s food was considered “expensive” which led to people not eating there. Some of their burgers reached up to $15, so many people stopped going to Urbn which eventually led to the closing of Urbn. Here is what Sophmore Felix Oquendo had to say about these high prices.
“When Urbn first opened I went to get some dinner with my friends. I was really surprised to see how high the prices were for things like their milkshakes and burgers. After that I haven’t been back, I’d much rather just go to Burger King and get a burger and fries for ten dollars less.” Felix said.
Bellefonte as a school and community are sad to see the restaurant close. Everyone hopes that another good food-joint comes along to fill the empty shoes.