This year, one of the Bellefonte High Lady Raiders soccer captains, senior Adalie “Addie” Pringle, stands center in the spotlight. She is known for her amazing play as an outside and center-back defender.
Addie is a defending champ this soccer season from the Lady Raiders’ first-ever district title. Last year, she was able to make an incredible comeback from a bad concussion in time for the championship game. Heading into this season Addie said that she is feeling great as a returning champ.
“My biggest goal for the season is to win the district title for a second time,” Addie said.
Although the district win was a big deal for the team, Addie wants to go out even stronger during her senior season.
“I just hope we can keep it going and get further in the tournament than we did last year.”
Heah Coach Stacy Miller called Addie a “staple” in their team’s defense for all four years of her high school career.
“Over the course of those years, she has developed into a great leader and player. Her speed, defensive abilities, and footwork help make our defensive units one of the strongest and most successful in our league,” Coach Miller said.
Assistant Coach Justin Price had the chance to work with Addie before her high school career when she played striker on offense. He certainly has no regrets about moving Addie to defense.
“She moved to the back line and has been an outstanding defender for the program ever since. She is, hands down, one of the toughest players I’ve ever coached,” Coach Price said.

Along with soccer, Addie also swims. She has three team district titles, one district medley relay title, and two 400 freestyle relay district titles. She also qualified for states as a freshman, sophomore, and junior.
Looking back on her time playing soccer from her freshman to senior year, Addie has “seen a lot of growth in my maturity and how I handle things on and off the field.”
However, her favorite part about her time in the game is the “lifelong friendships” she’s formed.
To any athlete, BAHS or not, Addie’s advice is to “not take any moment for granted and to keep the friendships that you make in sports forever.”
Addie doesn’t have plans for soccer after high school, but BAHS is happy to have had the chance to watch her play.