Entering his junior year in college, Bellefonte High Alumni Reese Redman is soaring into the life he always dreamed of.
During his time at Bellefonte, Reese participated on the football team, as well as the lacrosse and competition cheerleading teams. Reese went on to play football in college for two years before his career ended due to an injury. This experience has given him a positive outlook on life.
“I have learned to appreciate every day and opportunity that I am blessed with,” said Reese.
Reese is a dual-enrolled student at Geneva College and Beaver County Community College. He is majoring in aviation business administration and plans on becoming a professional pilot.
“There have been countless bumps in the road, some being mountains. So much has changed but I am still pushing to achieve the same goal I entered college with,” Reese said.
Reese’s favorite high school memory was spending time in Mrs. Myken Poorman’s class where he learned about the agricultural field; prior to discovering his love for aviation. Reese gives Mrs. Poorman much credit for the man he has become.
“One time she had me write down what ‘character’ was on a piece of paper after I was goofing off with some buddies in class. She told me to keep it and I never forgot about it. To this day I have that paper in my wallet. Mrs. Poorman has been a very influential woman and I cannot thank her enough,” Reese said.
Reese is an admirable student who continues to bring his light humorous mannerisms to every room he walks into.
“Reese was one of my students for four years and it was a great four years. He loved my classes and did very well in them. He was a brilliant mind and I could always rely on him for anything,” Mrs. Poorman said.
While on this path, Reese expresses just how difficult it’s been to make it this far in his career, though he wouldn’t trade the things he’s learned for anything. He emphasizes how college changed him for the better, without forgetting the people that got him here.
“My favorite college experience has been meeting my fiancé, growing to love her, and watching our future together develop,” said Reese.
Watching Reese thrive in his “American Dream” has been wonderful; former teammates, classmates, and faculty are ecstatic to see where he takes his aviation career. Bellefonte High is proud to call Reese one of our own.