Valentine’s Day is a time for all people to come together and share in the memories throughout the years. Let’s take a minute to appreciate, and maybe learn from some of our teachers here at Bellefonte:
Mr. And Mrs. Bryan:
Guidance Counselor Mr. Drew Bryan and his wife, English teacher Mrs. Sarah Bryan are the dynamic duo at Bellefonte High. They are easily some of the most popular teachers for their kind nature and funny attitudes.
Mrs. Bryan recalls one of their first Valentine’s Days together.
“This isn’t my favorite memory, but I like to regularly remind Mr. Bryan of our first Valentine’s Day as a couple. He had his opening weekend for baseball in Alabama while I was at home in Pennsylvania. It was a double header, so I was watching GameChanger and waiting for the game to be over. His name disappeared from the lineup halfway through the game, and I knew it wasn’t good. Needless to say, he was taken out and crabby after the game. We barely spoke,” she said.
However, there are many more good memories in their past as well. Mrs. Bryan shared one.
“My actual favorite memory is probably from when we lived in Blacksburg, Virginia. Our tradition was to go see a movie at a local theatre called The Grandin. Afterwards, we would grab pizza at Grace’s Place. It’s still one of our favorite places to visit when we are in the area. We can’t wait to take Baby Bryan there,” she said.

Mr. Bryan shared his favorite Valentine’s Day memory, too.
“My favorite memory is the year VMI held their winter formal on Valentine’s Day. Baseball season usually started on Valentine’s Day weekend, so this was one of the first ones we were able to actually spend together,” he said.
Mr. Bryan leaves the younger generation with some advice – especially those who have found their significant other while they are young.
“Remember that you will change as people multiple times over the course of your relationship, especially if you grow up together like we did. It’s important to remember to grow together and to always openly communicate,” he said.
Dr. and Mrs. Besch:
Known for their eagerness to teach and willingness to go the extra mile, Athletic Director Dr. Besch and math teacher Mrs. Sue Besch shared their most memorable Valentine’s Day moment.
Mrs. Besch retells the story of Valentine’s Day, 1995. As she recalls, she had just come home from teaching, however, she noticed Dr. Besch was fiddling with a box. Unbeknownst to her, Dr. Besch had been planning on proposing to her that night after dinner.

“Now with the surprise out of the way, he quickly got down on one knee and proposed right then and there as he caught me snooping at the prize of a lifetime: a lifetime with my best friend… So, advice to all of you planning your proposals… don’t try to be sneaky, if you have a significant other that likes to snoop. Keep things well hidden so all your planning isn’t ruined.”
Since then, the Besches have celebrated 28 years of marriage and are a true testament to the happiness that we all hope to experience one day.
Mr. and Mrs Caruso:
BAHS Vice Principal Mr. Andy Caruso and his wife, Special Education teacher Mrs. Anita Caruso gave one another a very special gift one Valentine’s Day that would give them years and years of special memories and love.

“We always celebrate Valentine’s Day in simple ways – cooking a special meal together and playing our favorite card games. But our favorite Valentine’s Day memory was in 2006 when our Valentine’s Day gift to each other was a playful Chocolate Lab puppy named Jake. Jake’s love for people, adventure, and treats as well as his goofy antics and boundless energy brought love and laughter into our home for 10 years,” Mrs. Caruso said.
Mr. and Mrs. Trumbull:
BAHS math teacher Mr. Matt Trumbull and his wife, Emotional/Autistic Support teacher at BES Mrs. Angelyn Trumbull are some of the kindest people in our district. Celebrating their 34th Valentine’s Day together this year, the Trumbulls have shared some wisdom regarding their relationship.
The Trumbulls’ 34 years of marriage are an inspiration to us all, and their happiness comes from the unity the share.

“Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance,” the Trumbulls said in an email.