Soda can tabs hit close to home


Tyler Muse

Soda tabs can be dropped off to the student office throughout the school year.



Mr. Michael Maney, a history teacher and wrestling coach, is collecting soda can tabs for the Ronald McDonald house. His reasoning was not only interesting, but inspirational.

“The Ronald McDonald house provides free housing for people who have to stay at places like Hershey Medical Center or Danville. The money is given to them which in return they use for various supplies and upkeep of the facilities and things like that,” he said.

The Ronald McDonald house is a charity that has been around since 1974. Their mission is to help families with sick children live comfortably while their child is undergoing treatment. They take into consideration the financial toll that many families experience and try to help out.

“Soda tabs can be turned into money, just like recycled cans can be turned into money,” Mr. Maney said.

Turning in soda can tabs not only gives you a little more cash in your pocket but also helps keep the environment clean. Many oceans are tainted with various forms of metal and plastic, so recycling even the smallest amount is a huge help.

Mr. Maney gives the soda can tabs to Mrs. Vicky Confer in the student office to be turned into money. Then the check is sent directly to the Ronald McDonald house.

For me personally, my son was born premature so my wife and I had to spend two weeks at the Ronald McDonald house.

— Mr. Michael Maney

Then when my daughter was born, my wife and I had to also stay there for a week,” Mr. Maney said.

Mr. Maney explained how the Ronald McDonald house is something that is very close to him. The Ronald McDonald house helped out his family at a time of need. He continued to talk about how the charity saved him thousands of dollars and how grateful he was.

“It’s kind of passionate for me and something I like to give back to because it certainly helped our family and so hopefully we can help other families by collecting soda tabs and giving other donations to the Ronald McDonald house,” he said.

Last year, Mr. Maney collected soda can tabs all throughout the school year. This year, his goal is to continue collecting for the entire year. If you would like to help Mr. Maney with his goal, you can start collecting soda can tabs yourself. You can turn them in at room 122 or give them to Mrs. Confer in the student office.